Dispatch hundreds of orders in minutes.
Enjoy your day off.
Now you can quote and book shipments with YOUR carriers and YOUR negotiated rates faster than ever before. Easily import customer orders from your eCommerce or ERP system that flow seamlessly into shipment creation. Watch a 60-second demo to see how it works!

Export your customer orders with as much or as little information as you'd like.

Import your orders and map them the way you like. Never waste time manipulating Excel files to fit into a rigid import template.

Once uploaded, MyCarrier will customize your shipment workflow based on the provided information and expedite your orders!

Whether you have an ERP that tracks every detail about your customers, SKUs, and next week's weather, or you’re just lucky enough to have an order number with no other details, the MyCarrier QuickShip feature will seamlessly integrate into your process. We use the data you have at hand without requirements you may not meet.
As more details are entered, MyCarrier uses its Adaptive Learning technology to update fields and adjust workflows, so that next time you log in, you can log out faster.

Business can be messy. It would be great to have all your warehouses using the same management system and to not have an ERP using different reference IDs than your eCommerce platform, but we don’t all have that luxury.
Things don’t have to be perfect for QuickShip to work. You can have as many custom templates as you need to meet the ever-changing needs of your business.