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LTL Shipping
ERP integrations

6 Ways Connecting your TMS with Your ERP Will Level Up Your Business

In the fast-paced world of less-than-truckload (LTL) shipping, efficiency and accuracy are non-negotiable. Yet, many shippers find themselves burdened by the frustrating task of juggling multiple systems, leading to wasted time and costly errors. Fortunately, there’s a solution that not only streamlines operations but also enhances decision-making and customer satisfaction—integrating your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with your Transportation Management System (TMS). 

In this blog post, we'll explore the advantage of ERP and TMS integration for LTL shippers, and outline five ways these systems can work better together to revolutionize your logistics operations.

Understanding ERP Integrations

ERP integrations involve connecting various business operations into a single, cohesive system. For LTL shippers, integrating with your ERP system with your TMS means you can manage your entire order to invoice process in one place. This unified approach simplifies shipping, reduces costly errors, and enhances visibility across your entire business.

Why ERP Integrations Are Essential for LTL Shippers

Jumping between disconnected systems is more than just a headache; it's inefficient and error-prone. With the complexity of LTL shipping, where multiple shipments and carriers are involved, the risk of mistakes increases exponentially. By integrating your ERP and TMS, you create a seamless flow of information, enabling better decision-making and creating streamlined processes. This integration is key to reducing costs, staying ahead of the competition, and keeping customers happy.


1. Enhanced Data Accuracy

Accurate data is the backbone of efficient logistics operations. When your ERP and TMS are integrated, data flows smoothly between systems without manual entry, reducing the chance of errors.

Real-time Data Syncing

One of the biggest advantages of ERP and TMS integration is real-time data syncing. This ensures that information such as order status, shipment details, and inventory levels are always up-to-date, enabling you to make informed decisions quickly.

Eliminating Manual Data Entry

Manual data entry is not only time-consuming but also prone to mistakes that impact your bottom line and affect customer relationships. One number entered wrong can be disastrous. By integrating your systems, you eliminate the need for manual input, ensuring that your data is accurate and consistent across all platforms.

Improved Decision Making

Accurate data leads to better decision-making. With integrated systems, you have all the historical shipment and order information you need at your fingertips, allowing you to make strategic decisions that improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.


2. Streamlined Operations

Efficiency is crucial in LTL shipping, where timely deliveries can make or break your business. Integrating your ERP and TMS streamlines operations by automating processes and reducing redundancy.

Automated Workflows

Automation is a game-changer in logistics. By integrating your systems, you can automate workflows such as order processing, real-time shipment tracking, and invoicing, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic tasks.

Reducing Redundancy 

Redundant processes are a drain on resources and time. An integrated ERP and TMS system eliminate redundant tasks by ensuring that information is entered once and used across all systems, rather than entered manually into each system - one at a time. This is huge for enhancing productivity.

Standardization Across All Processes

Integrated systems provide a single source of truth and create streamlined processes. This leads to better use of workforce talent and seamless change management. This standardization also makes it easier for new employees to learn the systems and improves overall efficiency.


3. Better Customer Experiences

In today’s competitive market, customer satisfaction isn't optional. ERP and TMS integration can significantly enhance your customer relationships by providing real-time visibility, improving communication, and offering competitive pricing.

Real-time Tracking

In today's Amazon-driven market, customers expect real-time updates on their shipments. Integrated systems provide this capability, allowing you to offer superior tracking and transparency, which builds trust and loyalty.

Enhanced Communication

Effective communication is key to keeping current customers and attracting new ones. With integrated systems, your customer service team has access to all the information they need to answer customer queries promptly and accurately.

Faster Issue Resolution

When issues arise, quick resolution is essential. Integrated systems allow your team to identify and address problems faster, minimize disruptions, communicate more quickly, and keep your customers happy.

Faster Delivery Times

Connecting your ERP with your TMS automates the order-to-shipment process, providing immediate updates to inventory, faster communication with carriers, and quicker pickups. Consequently, your business (and your carriers) can respond quickly to changes in demand and logistics delays, significantly speeding up delivery times. 


4. Cost Savings

Integrating your ERP and TMS can lead to significant cost savings by improving efficiency, reducing errors, and optimizing resource allocation.

Reduced Operational Costs

Automation and streamlined processes lead to reduced operational costs. By eliminating manual tasks and redundancies, you can allocate resources more effectively and reduce overhead expenses.

Optimized Resource Allocation

With integrated systems, you have a clear view of your resources, enabling you to optimize their allocation. This ensures that you have the right resources in the right place at the right time, maximizing efficiency and reducing waste. When your employees aren't stuck with tedious, manual processes, they can focus on high value tasks that grow the business.

Enhanced ROI

The cost savings and efficiency gains from an ERP and TMS integration can lead to a higher return on investment (ROI). By investing in integrated systems, you can achieve long-term financial benefits that far outweigh the initial implementation costs. 


5. Driving Scalability

Scalability is essential for growing businesses. Integrated ERP and TMS systems provide the flexibility and scalability needed to support your growth and adapt to changing business needs.

Supporting Business Growth

As your business grows, your systems need to scale with you. Integrated systems provide the efficiency to support increased volumes and keep customers happy, ensuring that your operations remain efficient and effective. 

Adapting to Changing Needs

The business landscape is constantly evolving, and your systems need to adapt. Integrated ERP and TMS systems offer the agility to adjust to changing market conditions, customer demands, freight class changes, and regulatory requirements.

Future-proofing Your Business

Investing in integrated systems ensures that your business is future-proofed. With the ability to scale and adapt, you can stay ahead of the competition and continue to thrive in an ever-changing market. 


6. Better Collaboration

Collaboration is key to successful logistics operations. Integrated systems facilitate collaboration between different departments and processes, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

Bridging the Gaps Between Departments

Integrated systems break down silos and promote cross-departmental collaboration. By providing a single source of truth, everyone has access to the same information, improving communication and coordination - from order to invoice.

Improved Supplier Relations

Strong supplier relationships are crucial for effective supply chain management. Integrated systems enable better communication and collaboration with suppliers on the inventory needed, ensuring timely deliveries and reducing the risk of disruptions. And if your supplier has an ERP-TMS integration, that's even better.

Enhanced Team Productivity

Collaboration tools within integrated systems enhance team productivity by providing a centralized platform for communication, task management, and document sharing. This ensures that everyone has the order and shipment status info they need, providing visibility and efficiency across all departments and processes.


In today's competitive market, integrating your ERP and TMS systems is no longer a luxury—it's a necessity. The benefits are clear: enhanced data accuracy, streamlined operations, improved customer satisfaction, cost savings, increased visibility, enhanced scalability, and improved collaboration.

By investing in integrated systems, you can transform your logistics operations, stay ahead of the competition, and achieve long-term success. MyCarrier's powerful automation connects to your ERP of choice, whether that's through one of our pre-built integrations or connecting to our API. Integrations are available for major ERPs, including NetSuite, QuickBooks, Acumatica, Shopify, Salesforce, Dynamics, Sage, and more.

With a MyCarrier integration, shippers can manage their logistics more efficiently, reduce manual errors, and better meet their customers’ needs.